most media texts target a range of audiences how true is this for your chosen text?
- Madmen
Madmen targets a variety of audiences, mostly elder, this is because the basis of this show is more formal for the young audiences in the modern days, as it is based in the 1960's.
female characters such as 'Peggy' and 'Joans' are not given as much personal respect than the male characters, this relates to the olden ages were men were more dominant; this could reflect to the female audiences in the modern days as they could feel the change from the olden days. Females back then were not so appreciated for their hard work (e.g Peggys hard work wasn't as appreciated as it should have been).
such scenes like 'Don' drinking alcohol could impact the men in the modern days as this would be highly unlikely now, but back then it wasn't classed as a offence.
Madmen covers most of the elder audiences as many forms of reality scenes are covered in this show, such as sexual dominance, formal business deals, race casts and gender discrimination, many elder audiences could relate as they could have been through one of these stages when they were young.
females created a strong personal identity, e.g Peggy could have inspired women in the modern days to make decisions more accurately and to be more confident.